CenteringPregnancy® Rack Cards - Choose English or Spanish

English text. In an easy-to-read format, patients can learn about the Centering group experience, how they might benefit from extended time with their providers and being in a community with others with due dates close to theirs. The CenteringPregnancy rack cards were recently updated with more inclusive language and graphics.

We have heard from many Centering locations that these colorful rack cards are an effective, low-cost way to promote Centering groups. Include them in information packets, display in accessible areas or have your care team give to prospective patients to promote the benefits of receiving their prenatal care in a CenteringPregnancy group.

Rack cards are sold in sets of 100.

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Price: $25.00
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Please confirm you are ordering English CenteringPregnancy Rack Cards (PRODUCT SKU: PROD000125) CHI does not accept product returns!

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