
Cen­ter­ing is bet­ter care, bet­ter health, and low­er cost

Mary's Center (Washington, DC)

Better Care

Cen­ter­ing is patient-cen­tered care. The vis­it sched­ule and con­tent fol­low nation­al­ly rec­og­nized guide­lines with flex­i­bil­i­ty and time to explore health and well­ness top­ics that fit the group’s needs. Receiv­ing health­care in a group set­ting leads to greater engage­ment, learn­ing, and self-confidence.

Patients and providers say - It’s bet­ter care!” 

Better Health Outcomes

Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy decreas­es the rate of preterm and low weight babies, increas­es breast­feed­ing rates, and leads to bet­ter preg­nan­cy spac­ing. In Cen­ter­ing­Par­ent­ing fam­i­ly cen­tered well-child care, there is bet­ter atten­dance at rec­om­mend­ed vis­its and improved immu­niza­tion rates.

Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy has been shown to near­ly elim­i­nate racial dis­par­i­ties in preterm birth. African Amer­i­can women, who are at high­er risk for preterm birth in the US, expe­ri­ence low­er risk of preterm birth when enrolled in Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy than in tra­di­tion­al care. 

Lower Cost

The cost of preterm birth and relat­ed con­di­tions is more than 10x that of a healthy baby. Cen­ter­ing could save the health­care sys­tem $8 bil­lion each year by pre­vent­ing preterm birth alone.

Imag­ine the sav­ings that could be achieved from oth­er emerg­ing ben­e­fits like low­er rates of ges­ta­tion­al dia­betes, improved detec­tion and treat­ment of post­par­tum depres­sion, improved breast­feed­ing, and bet­ter preg­nan­cy spacing. 

Learn About Centering's Impact

Hear Spencer Cahoon dive deeper into Centering - its benefits, impact, supporting research and how CenteringPregnancy has been implemented across states using various strategies. Featuring interviews with NJ State Senator Thomas Kean Jr., Angie Truesdale, CEO of the Centering Healthcare Institute, and Family Medicine Doctor Valerie Good.


10% of U.S. babies were born preterm in 2018, increasing for the fourth year in a row


The annual cost of preterm baby care (societal economic cost that includes medical, educational and lost productivity) in 2005

Centering could prevent more than 150,000 of all preterm births at a savings of $8 billion in the first year alone. Significant savings continue for these children into adulthood.

Cen­ter­ing is chang­ing health­care deliv­ery as we know it


Read more about Cen­ter­ing
in the media. 

Eval­u­a­tion & Research

Learn more about eval­u­a­tion and research on Cen­ter­ing group care. 

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