
What’s New

Ari­zona Group Pre­na­tal Care Cov­er­age Announce­ment: CHI’s announce­ment on Arizona’s Group Pre­na­tal Care Cov­er­age pol­i­cy (Novem­ber 2024)

Supporting Payment for CenteringPregnancy®

Advancing Medicaid support for group prenatal care

In 2024, 10 state Medicaid programs have made significant strides toward enhancing reimbursement for group prenatal care (GPC), reflecting a growing recognition of its benefits for maternal and neonatal health. These states are leveraging innovative payment mechanisms to improve access to and quality of prenatal care.

States with enhanced Medicaid reimbursement for GPC

The following 10 states have implemented enhanced reimbursement for GPC under their Medicaid programs:

  • Arizona
  • Maryland
  • Michigan
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • New Jersey
  • North Carolina
  • Ohio
  • South Carolina
  • Texas

Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) integration

Four of these states—Michigan, Montana, North Carolina and Ohio—extend Medicaid coverage for GPC services delivered through FQHCs, addressing the critical needs of underserved populations and expanding access to high-quality care.

Payment models driving progress

State Medicaid programs and managed care organizations are employing a variety of mechanisms to support GPC, including:

  • Alternative Payment Models (APMs): Incentivizing value-based care delivery.
  • Enhanced reimbursement: Funding GPC at rates exceeding standard prenatal care
  • Grants and one-time funding: Supporting implementation and scaling of GPC programs

The following resources provide insight into the efficacy of payment for GPC to improve birth and maternal health outcomes, reduce racial disparities and promote care experience satisfaction for birthing people and healthcare providers.

Click here for the full list of policy and advocacy resources, Centering news articles and recent policy activity

Advo­ca­cy & Pol­i­cy Resources 


Arizona Group Prenatal Care Coverage Announcement: CHI’s announcement on Arizona’s Group Prenatal Care Coverage policy (November 2024)

Arizona Public Comments for AMPM Policy 410- Maternity Care Services: CHI’s comments on Arizona’s AMPM 410- Maternity Care Services policy (October 2024)


Maryland’s CenteringPregnancy Policy & Payment Resource: A resource offering a short overview of Centering, as well as state-specific billing, coding and documentation information (January 2024)


Michigan Group Prenatal Care Coverage Announcement: CHI’s announcement on Michigan’s Group Prenatal Care Coverage policy (October 2024)

Michi­gan Pub­lic Com­ments for Project 2410 — Mater­nal, Med­ic­aid Cov­er­age for Group Pre­na­tal Care: CHI’s comments on the Michigan Project 2410- Maternal, Medicaid Coverage for Group Prenatal Care Services policy (August 2024)

Michigan HB 4437 & CHI Statement: Michigan Governor and Legislature passed HB 4437, which approved $5 million for one-time CenteringPregnancy to expand current or new CenteringPregnancy sites. Additionally, $5 million in recurring funds for Medicaid to develop a sustainability pathway for CenteringPregnancy (i.e enhanced reimbursement or MCO contract) (August 2023)


Missouri Group Prenatal Care Coverage Announcement: CHI’s announcement on Missouri’s Group Prenatal Care Coverage policy (March 2024)

New Jersey

Expanding Access to Centering: In collaboration with the New Jersey Department of Health and three philanthropic foundations, CHI developed and implemented a program to expand patient access to CenteringPregnancy and CenteringParenting to address racial health disparities in New Jersey (March 2021)

P.L. 1968, c.413: New Jersey legislature approved implementing enhanced payment programs for CenteringPregnancy. Effective December 2019, NJ Medicaid established providers shall receive an additional payment of $7.00 for each NJFC Medicaid beneficiary participating in a CenteringPregnancy group visit billed with 99078 TH and an appropriate E/M code (August 2019)

North Carolina

North Carolina Group Prenatal Care Coverage Announcement: CHI’s announcement on North Carolina’s Group Prenatal Care Coverage policy (May 2024)

Comment Letter to North Carolina Department of Medicaid: CHI’s comments to the North Carolina Department of Medicaid on the proposed 1E-5, Obstetrical Services policies to develop additional reimbursement for group prenatal care. (December 2023)

Senate Bill 20: Effective July 1, 2023, the North Carolina legislature directs the NC Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Department of Health Benefits (DHB) to develop an enhanced reimbursement for group prenatal care sessions, and determine the level of patient participation required for a provider to receive these provider payments. Additionally, the bill directs $2.8 million in recurring funds for each year of the 2023-2025 fiscal biennium to implement the Medicaid-related changes outlined (2023).

Comment letter to North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services on Value-Based Payment Strategy: Read CHI’s comments to the NC Department of Health and Human Services regarding their value-based payment strategy for standard plans and providers in Medicaid Managed Care and alignment of CenteringPregnancy to improve birth outcomes (February 2020).


Com­ment Let­ter to Texas Health and Human Ser­vices Depart­ment on Post­par­tum Depres­sion Strate­gic Plan: Read CHI’s comments on the Texas Health and Human Services Postpartum Depression Strategic Plan draft and relevant success seen within Centering groups (July 2020).

CHI in the news

Cov­er­age of Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy and HealthyS­teps Ser­vices: The Mary­land Depart­ment of Health announced that Mary­land Med­ic­aid will pro­vide addi­tion­al reim­burse­ment to rec­og­nized prac­tices for Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy and HealthyS­teps ser­vices. (Decem­ber 2022).

Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy- Group Pre­na­tal Care: Lis­ten for the full impact, tar­get­ed inter­views, research and info about cur­rent imple­men­ta­tion so you can see if this pol­i­cy might be right for your state (Sep­tem­ber 2019).

Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy- Group Pre­na­tal Care: Lis­ten to CHI’s pod­cast episode on Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy and address the impact, state imple­men­ta­tion strate­gies, and research sup­port­ing cen­ter­ing (Octo­ber 2019).

New Jer­sey Expands Med­ic­aid Pro­gram to Include Cov­er­age for Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy® to Improve Mater­nal Health and Birth Out­comes: Read more on how the Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy mod­el of group pre­na­tal care is now cov­ered under New Jersey’s expand­ed Med­ic­aid pro­gram as a result of recent leg­is­la­tion that includes FQHCs and CHCs (August 2019).

Cov­er­age for Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy Group Pre­na­tal Care: The South Car­oli­na Depart­ment of Health and Human Ser­vices (SCD­HHS) updat­ed its billing and reim­burse­ment for Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy (May 2017).

CHI resources

Cen­ter­ing Health­care Bib­li­og­ra­phyAnno­tat­ed Bib­li­og­ra­phy: Cen­ter­ing research indi­cates dra­mat­ic improve­ments in mater­nal child health out­comes, enhanc­ing the field’s goals for cost sav­ings and bet­ter health. Stay up-to-date with cur­rent Cen­ter­ing research with over 150 pub­lished stud­ies and peer-reviewed arti­cles (June 2023 I Decem­ber 2022).

Cen­ter­ing Saves Lives & Mon­ey: Learn about how Cen­ter­ing can trans­form health­care and save lives and mon­ey (2021)

Pay­ment Mod­els to Sup­port Sus­tain­abil­i­ty of Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy in Fed­er­al­ly Qual­i­fied Health Cen­ters: Learn how sup­port­ing the imple­men­ta­tion of Cen­ter­ing at FQHCs can lead to bet­ter health out­comes, high­er patient sat­is­fac­tion, and a reduc­tion in health dis­par­i­ties (July 2021).

Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy- Med­ic­aid Enhanced Pay­ment for Group Pre­na­tal Care: Pol­i­cy devel­op­ment sum­ma­ry from AMCHP on enhanced pay­ment for evi­dence-based group pre­na­tal care in Mary­land, New Jer­sey, Ohio, South Car­oli­na, and Texas (2019).

Align­ing Val­ue-Based Pay­ment with the Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy Group Pre­na­tal Care Mod­el: Strate­gies to sus­tain a suc­cess­ful mod­el of pre­na­tal care and how align­ing emerg­ing val­ue-based pay­ment mod­els reward providers for bet­ter out­comes (May 2019).

How Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy Can Sup­port Birth Equi­ty: An issue brief on CenteringPregnancy’s role as one of the mod­els sup­port­ing birth equity,l that is rela­tion­ship-cen­tered, holis­tic in its atten­tion to non-med­ical aspects of health and well­be­ing, pro­vides time and oppor­tu­ni­ty for empow­er­ing group dis­cus­sion, and cre­ates a sup­port­ive envi­ron­ment that fos­ters trust (Octo­ber 2019).

Tes­ti­mo­ny to Com­mit­tee on Health, Coun­cil of the Dis­trict of Colum­bia: Writ­ten tes­ti­mo­ny from CHI on sup­port­ing the Win­dow Blind Safe­ty Noti­fi­ca­tion Act of 2019 (Bill 23 – 0322), the Peri­na­tal Health Work­er Train­ing Access Act of 2019 (Bill 23 – 0341), and the Mater­nal Health Care Improve­ment and Expan­sion Act of 2019 (Bill 23 – 0362) (Decem­ber 2019).

Additional Resources

Advanc­ing Healthy Births- An Equi­ty Plan for Michi­gan Fam­i­lies & Com­mu­ni­ties: A plan to work towards an equi­table Michi­gan from the Michi­gan Depart­ment of Health and Human Ser­vices high­light­ing the impor­tance of expand­ing access and equi­table reim­burse­ment, and expand­ed birthing care team through group pre­na­tal mod­els such as Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy. (Octo­ber 2023)

North Car­oli­na Child Fatal­i­ty Task Force Annu­al Report: This report con­tains rec­om­men­da­tions for laws and state fund­ing for pre­ven­tion strate­gies that will save children’s lives and sup­port their well-being and safe­ty. One rec­om­men­da­tion in the report is to fund group pre­na­tal care vis­its, fund­ing for broad doula cov­er­age, and fund­ing to increase the mater­ni­ty provider reim­burse­ment for bun­dled pay­ments. Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy is high­light­ed as one of the most stud­ied mod­els of group care. (Feb­ru­ary 2023)

Ensur­ing Healthy Births Through Pre­na­tal Sup­port: The Cen­ter for Amer­i­can Progress (CAP) high­lights the impor­tance of pro­vid­ing group pre­na­tal care and sup­port to improve birth out­comes through pro­grams such as, Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy, The JJ Way, and Health­Con­nect One Com­mu­ni­ty-Based Doula Pro­gram. (Jan­u­ary 2020)

Racism Cre­at­ed Inequities in Mater­nal and Child Health, Even Before Birth: ZERO TO THREE’S Think Babi­esTM rec­om­men­da­tions for pol­i­cy­mak­ers and prac­ti­tion­ers to pro­mote equi­ty and improve mater­nal and child health. (May 2021)

Mater­nal and Child Health Update 2020: The Nation­al Gov­er­nors Asso­ci­a­tion Cen­ter for Best Prac­tices’ (NGA Cen­ter) Mater­nal and Child Health Update (MCH Update) sur­vey results from senior state and ter­ri­to­r­i­al health offi­cials regard­ing MCH pol­i­cy top­ics. This update includes the impor­tance for group pre­na­tal care mod­els such as Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy. (2020)

Fos­ter­ing Social and Emo­tion­al Health through Pedi­atric Pri­ma­ry Care: Com­mon Threads to Trans­form Every­day Prac­tice and Sys­tems: Find­ings from the Cen­ter for the Study of Social Pol­i­cy (CSSP) qual­i­ta­tive pro­gram analy­sis on the com­mon prac­tices used by inno­v­a­tive pri­ma­ry care sites imple­ment­ing a vari­ety of evi­dence-sup­port­ed pro­grams such as Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy and Cen­ter­ing­Par­ent­ing. (Octo­ber 2019)

2024 Pre­na­tal-to‑3 State Pol­i­cy Roadmap: This roadmap guides state lead­ers on the most effec­tive invest­ment to ensure all chil­dren thrive from the start includ­ing strate­gies such as Group Pre­na­tal Care which high­lights Cen­ter­ing­Preg­nan­cy as the most promi­nent mod­el of group pre­na­tal care. (Octo­ber 2024)

Pre­na­tal-to‑3 State Pol­i­cy Lever Check­list: Group Pre­na­tal Care: This check­list cov­ers the fol­low­ing pol­i­cy levers states may con­sid­er to help max­i­mize the reach and effec­tive­ness of group pre­na­tal care. (Sep­tem­ber 2023)

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