A fam­i­ly cen­tered way to get care for moms, babies, and families

Einstein Medical Center (Philadelphia, PA)
“CenteringParenting is a breakthrough strategy for advancing early relational health and transforming the child health delivery system to be ever more family-centric, equitable and resiliency focused.”
David W. Willis, MD, FAAP
Einstein Medical Center (Philadelphia, PA)

How It Works

Each CenteringParenting visit begins with individual well-child health assessments, immunizations and developmental screenings that follow nationally recognized guidelines.

Parents are engaged in their baby’s care: tracking growth, immunizations and oral health.

CenteringParenting recognizes the importance of not only the baby’s health but also the mom’s. In group, moms monitor their own health goals and address key topics including stress management, nutrition and weight, and family planning.

CommUnityCare (Austin, TX)

The provider and support staff, lead the group in a discussion and interactive activities on topics including attachment, safe sleep, breastfeeding, nutrition, early literacy, development and safety.

These fun, engaging activities and facilitated discussions guide parents through wellness and self-care, nutrition, interconception health, mindfulness and family dynamics.

Parents are more informed, confident, and empowered to make healthier choices for themselves, their babies and their families.

MAHEC (Ashville, NC)

We are meant to be in conversation with one another

CenteringParenting brings 6-8 parents, partners, support people and their same-age infants together in community with their healthcare providers and other parents who are experiencing similar things at the same time.

CenteringParenting fosters a safe and supportive environment to ask questions and creates lifelong bonds between families.


Cen­ter­ing­Par­ent­ing has last­ing ben­e­fits for the baby, par­ents, and family

Better Health Outcomes

Data has shown that Cen­ter­ing fam­i­lies have bet­ter atten­dance for their post­par­tum vis­its. Bet­ter atten­dance leads to high­er immu­niza­tion rates, extend­ed breast­feed­ing and addi­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ties to screen for mater­nal men­tal health. 


All of the activ­i­ties, dis­cus­sions, and par­ent mate­ri­als in group rein­force healthy choic­es for the entire family. 


Mem­bers of the group feel wel­comed, respect­ed and lis­tened to – giv­ing them greater con­fi­dence in their par­ent­ing skills. 

More Time with the Provider

Addi­tion­al time with a provider cre­ates an oppor­tu­ni­ty to screen for devel­op­men­tal mile­stones and men­tal health con­cerns, lead­ing to ear­li­er inter­ven­tion and referrals. 

Support & Friendship

Cen­ter­ing­Par­ent­ing groups fos­ter healthy fam­i­ly rela­tion­ships, last­ing friend­ships and com­mu­ni­ty connections. 

Learning & Fun

Shar­ing ques­tions and expe­ri­ences, the mem­bers of the group learn and grow with each oth­er and their facil­i­ta­tion team. 

CenteringParenting works as either continuity care following your CenteringPregnancy groups or as standalone well-child care

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