Cen­ter­ing is the answer to many health­care challenges

Cen­ter­ing® is an empow­er­ing and high­ly effec­tive way to deliv­er health­care to indi­vid­u­als fac­ing health chal­lenges and tran­si­tions. Our evi­dence-based mod­el of group care improves health out­comes and fos­ters behav­iors that help patients thrive. 


We partner with a number of practices across the U.S. who have applied the proven Centering methodology for their patient populations, including groups for asthma, diabetes, chronic pain, cancer survivors, obesity, HIV, autoimmune conditions, adolescents, transgender care, sleep, lifestyle, opioid recovery, cardiac care and other health conditions. Patients come together to meet with their healthcare provider and develop a community that shares information and supports each other in living a healthier lifestyle. They talk about the challenges and triumphs that come with managing a serious chronic illness.

Centering is the solution

We are experts on Centering and you are an expert on the needs of your community. We have worked with sites to implement Centering for many different health conditions and believe that Centering is the answer for many of the challenges facing health systems today.

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